Why Your NSFAS Application Might Be Stuck at “Awaiting Academic Eligibility Check” and What to Do About It

When applying for financial aid through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), many students encounter various statuses that indicate the progress of their application. One such status is “awaiting academic eligibility check.” This article will delve into the meaning of this status, the steps involved in the NSFAS application process, and what students can do while waiting. We’ll also cover related frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide a comprehensive understanding.

What Does “Awaiting Academic Eligibility Check” Mean?

The status “awaiting academic eligibility check” signifies that NSFAS is currently verifying whether the applicant meets the academic requirements for the funding. This involves cross-checking the applicant’s academic results and admission status with the chosen institution to ensure eligibility criteria are met​​.

The NSFAS Application Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Registration and Account Creation
    • Visit the NSFAS website and register to create an account.
    • Complete the registration by providing personal details and a valid email address.
  2. Application Submission
    • Fill out the application form, including personal, academic, and financial information.
    • Submit supporting documents such as a photo ID, academic transcripts, and proof of household income.
  3. Verification Process
    • Once submitted, NSFAS will verify the accuracy of the provided information.
    • This includes checking documents for authenticity and ensuring all necessary details are correct​​.
  4. Academic Eligibility Check
    • At this stage, NSFAS coordinates with the applicant’s institution to verify academic results and admission status.
    • This step ensures that the applicant meets the academic qualifications required for funding​​.
  5. Financial Eligibility Check
    • NSFAS evaluates the applicant’s household income to determine if they qualify for financial aid.
    • This involves confirming income details with third-party organizations like SASSA and the Department of Home Affairs.
  6. Final Evaluation and Funding Decision
    • After both academic and financial checks are completed, NSFAS makes a final decision on the application.
    • Successful applicants will receive a notification of provisional funding, followed by the signing of a bursary agreement.
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Why the Status May Be Delayed

There are several reasons why an application may remain at the “awaiting academic eligibility check” status for an extended period:

  1. Pending Results from Institutions
    • NSFAS relies on institutions to provide academic results and admission confirmations. Delays from the institution can extend this process​​.
  2. High Volume of Applications
    • The sheer number of applications being processed can cause delays. NSFAS receives thousands of applications, especially at the beginning of each academic year​.
  3. Incomplete Documentation
    • Missing or incorrect documents can halt the verification process. Applicants should ensure that all required documents are submitted accurately.

What to Do While Waiting

  1. Regularly Check Application Status
    • Use the myNSFAS portal to monitor the progress of your application. This helps you stay updated on any changes or additional requirements​.
  2. Ensure All Documents Are Submitted
    • Double-check that all necessary documents have been uploaded and are correct. Incomplete applications can delay the process.
  3. Contact NSFAS for Updates
    • If your application remains in the same status for an unusually long period, reach out to NSFAS for clarification and assistance.


  1. What should I do if my status is stuck at “awaiting academic eligibility check”?
    • Ensure all documents are submitted correctly and contact NSFAS for updates if the status does not change after a reasonable period.
  2. How long does the academic eligibility check take?
    • The duration varies depending on the institution’s response time and the volume of applications. It can range from a few weeks to several months​​.
  3. Can I appeal if my application is rejected after the eligibility check?
    • Yes, applicants can submit an appeal with supporting documents if they believe their application was unfairly rejected​.
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Understanding the “awaiting academic eligibility check” status is crucial for NSFAS applicants. By knowing what this status means and how to navigate the application process, students can better manage their expectations and take proactive steps to ensure their application is processed smoothly. Regularly checking the myNSFAS portal, ensuring complete documentation, and staying in contact with NSFAS are essential actions to take while waiting for a funding decision.

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